Thursday, April 22, 2010

World Lab Animal Liberation Week - ADB-NYC will be out in the streets.

ADB NYC will be out in the streets for World Lab Animal Liberation week.

There are separate events planned by other people, working for the same cause, that should be supported, attended and promoted. Here is a link to the page advertising WAR's event.

Again, WAR's demos should be attended and supported and ADB NYC will always respect their schedule.

ADB NYC will never stand in the way of another protest for this cause that is scheduled by others.

ADB NYC will always work separately from others, but respect the schedules and times that others have set, and not conflict with anyone else who is trying to end the horror of vivisection.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Sorry for the lack of posts or protests - trust us the fun is around the corner.

Did you have a happy Springtime in NY, HLS? It was nice not having people with signs depicting bloodied aninmals post necropsy calling you a "puppy killer" right?

This will have to change.

Drop your ties to HLS NOW before the protests return