Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday blues for Fortress Executive

ADB-NYC visited Adam Levinson, Co-Chief Investment Officer, at home on Monday - making sure his week started off with a reminder of the 500 animals that die every day because of Fortress' loans to Huntingdon Life Sciences.

Fortress, stop bailing out the puppy killers of HLS - stop the loans! There's no excuse for animal abuse!

ADB-NYC talked to a lot of Adam Levinson's neighbors, who were appalled that their neighbor was involved in this evil business. Some swore to take action and let Levinson know they were against their dirty dealings at HLS.

ADB-NYC left fliers on cars to let even more know about the evil that is HLS.

HLS is the worst of the worst. Punching beagles in the face - Adam Levinson, what a disgrace!

ADB-NYC is not affiliated with SHAC, SHAC USA or any other group or organization and does not conduct or incite any illegal activity. ADB-NYC is an independent collective working peacefully for the goal of animal liberation. The information in this blog is not meant to incite, promote or request any illegal action of any kind. If you're wondering about the legality of anything you're thinking of doing please check your local laws and ordinances first before proceeding with doing any activity whatsoever.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Independence Day Weekend - day 3 part 2

Align Center
Unsatisfied with the peaceful outreach so far that day, ADB NYC visited a freind who works for Fortress, the company that gives Huntingdon Life Sciences Bail-out loan after Bail-out loan.

Ali Elam of Fortress Investments had a friendly home visit - posters were unfurled, displaying the exact brand of cruelty his company continues to support and fliers were distributed to neighbors and doormen, drawing attentinon to exactly what Mr. Elan and Fortress are responsible for.

Dump HLS, Fortress! Disgusting that you haven't
Justify Full

ADB-NYC is not affiliated with SHAC, SHAC USA or any other group or organization and does not conduct or incite any illegal activity. ADB-NYC is an independent collective working peacefully for the goal of animal liberation. The information in this blog is not meant to incite, promote or request any illegal action of any kind. If you're wondering about the legality of anything you're thinking of doing please check your local laws and ordinances first before proceeding with doing any activity whatsoever.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Independence Day Weekend - day 3

On this third day of Independence Day Weekend, July 5th, 2010, activists visited a man whose company Legg Mason dumps enormous amounts of cash into Fortress, the company who keeps giving Huntingdon Life Sciences their bail-out loans.

At the home of Michael Clarfeld, activists displayed signs featuring the gruesome remains of a beagle puppy tortured to death by sadists at Huntingdon Life Sciences, and bunnies locked in boxes for eye irritation experiments.

Many neighbors took fliers and were disgusted by Clarfeld's connection to this heinous animal abuse, and promised to contact him to ask him to dump their shares of Fortress.

Michael Clarfeld, use your influence at Legg Mason and ask them to divest every cent of their fortress stock. Every one of the 7 million shares. The bail-out loans must end.

Upon leaving, activists fliered the cars in the area, so more people can see the truth about the man behind that security gate.

For the animals we will Fight! How does Clarfeld Sleep at night???

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day Weekend

ADB NYC visits those who support the animal abuse at Huntingdon Life Sciences, on the first day of Independence Day weekend, Saturday July 3rd.

First stop, Wayne Merkelson's home. Wayne Merkelson is general counsel for Novartis, a notorious drug company that tests their worthless human endangering drugs at Huntingdon Life Sciences.

Fliers were passed out and neighbors were appalled by Novartis' continued reluctance to issue a statement condemning HLS and promising not to contract with them any more.

Next stop was the Staples store on Broadway and 8th. Again, signs were revealed featuring pictures of the mutilated remains of a beagle puppy tortured to death at HLS. Fliers were passed out pleading Staples to do the right thing and stop supplying animal abusers at Huntingdon Life Sciences.

Shoppers, tourists and neighbors looked on in horror at the images of mutilated animals and were shocked to learn of Staples' involvement in the death and destruction that takes place at HLS.

ADB-NYC is not affiliated with SHAC, SHAC USA or any other group or organization and does not conduct or incite any illegal activity. ADB-NYC is an independent collective working peacefully for the goal of animal liberation. The information in this blog is not meant to incite, promote or request any illegal action of any kind. If you're wondering about the legality of anything you're thinking of doing please check your local laws and ordinances first before proceeding with doing any activity whatsoever.